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Tomscube is an Office Management Solution that helps you assign tasks to employees, evaluate (daily, weekly or monthly) their performance and plan your company’s activities. With Tomscube you get smart ways of translating your business goals and activities into actual results while automating countless office operations that kill hours of productivity. Tomscube smartly makes business goals achievable by combining simplicity, order, efficiency and convenience to help your organization operate on result-driven activities, and maximize time spent working.

A lot of companies knowingly and unknowingly invest time and resources on routine tasks and unproductive activities that do not necessarily translate to achieving corporate goals and objectives. Now if you are the captain of such crew, a shipwreck may be inevitable. Tomscube reduces needless activities, and improves more on result-centred business operations.

Core Features

Are you a start-up or you are looking to focus on your business growth and spend less time/money on running your operations? Then TomsCube is the right one for you.

Document Manager

The Document Manager helps store, archive, track and manage all your documents, the complete option for going 100% paperless.

Task Management

Task Management Modules will help your team manage project tasks and work related activities, this can be used for monthly appraisal.

Performance Monitor

Performance Management modules update you with project & staff performance and the productivity/efficiency of your organization.

Loan Management

Loan Application and Repayment Management lets you manage loan applications and approvals within your organization.

Expense Management

Expense Management allows you to record and keep track of all financial transactions, no need for seperate accounting software.

Executive Dashboard

Executive Dashboard and Reporting Modules presents various graphical reports on performance, projects, your assets etc.

TomsCube Core Values

Tomscube generates computerized workflows that stream from company superiors, line managers, Head of Departments to their reporting staff. Now your company can develop a system that assists the management and consciousness of teams handling certain tasks. Of course this is not to replace the human presence; managing human capital isn’t necessarily simple, but managers can provide ideas that can assist the company’s work coordination. Tomscube Facts: Did you know? …that by 2027, many companies would rely extensively on automated management solutions for their various activities. Bain


100% Customized to Suite Your Office.

Well documented.

All our Work Flow and Processes are well documented

Industry Standard.

Our technolgy and business features are dessigned to meet the industry standards.

Free updates

Updates are pushed into your production line for free.

Solid Support

Our support team are always available to attend to issues on the go.

Simple Installation

Our Installation process is very seemless.


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